Fitness is Just as Important as Health fitness

In reality, fitness correlates directly with our health.

Fitness is Just as Important as Health fitness
Fitness is Just as Important as Health fitness

If we are not taking care of our bodies, we get sick. Before you start, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind.

Fitness is Just as Important as health if you have been sitting around for a long time, you can’t start with a full fitness routine. You will want to start slow and build your fitness level little by little.

If you try to do too much at first, you will likely give up because it leaves you too sore or weak. Start by walking every other day.

Walking is the best exercise you can do. It involves the entire body and you don’t need any special equipment to walk.

A good pair of shoes is nice but don’t let your old shoes keep you from walking.

As always, check with your doctor before starting any fitness program.

Be Realistic

It would be great to be able to jump right into a hard workout, feel great, and see instant results. However, it is important to be realistic about several things. First, you need to understand that you more than likely will not (or should not) start out with a hard workout if you have not been in a regular exercise routine. Start out slow and do not set yourself up for failure by expecting miracles overnight. Getting fit takes time and with commitment, you will reach your goals.

Envision Success

Try to envision how great you will look and feel once you get in shape. If you can, find a picture of someone that has the same body type and pin it up where you can look at it every day to help you see the same results you too can reach with hard work and time.

Track Progress

Often when trying to get in shape, it seems like you are working hard and sweating, but getting nowhere. In actuality, things are happening, just not yet seen. Keep track of two things in particular. First, track your measurements. You will probably be surprised within only a few weeks at the progress made. Second, track your routines so you can determine what is working for you and what is not as successful.


Before you start your exercise routine you will need to get your joints warmed up. Do this by slowly stretching all the joints in your body. Repeat each stretch several times until you can feel the stiffness go away.

Cool Down

Just as warming up for exercise is important, cooling down after exercise is just as important. Once you have completed your workout, take five to 10 minutes to walk, or stretch to allow your body to cool down. This is very important for the muscles and joints and for the heart and lungs.

Asthmatics and Sports

If you suffer from asthma, you already know that some sports should be avoided, depending on the severity. If you have trouble on a daily basis and love sports, be encouraged to know that some sports are asthma-friendly and in fact, can be helpful in that they help make the lungs stronger. These sports include swimming, cycling, fishing, walking, and canoeing. Again, check with your physician before getting involved with any sport if you have a health condition.

Diabetes and Exercise

Aerobic exercise can actually be beneficial for people with diabetes. This exercise increases insulin sensitivity and when combined with good eating, can help restore a normal glucose metabolism. Before starting a workout program, you need to see your doctor first to determine if there are any risks for coronary artery disease and if your blood glucose control is appropriate for exercise. Once cleared, you will feel better and see for yourself the benefits associated with exercise.

Get to the Gym

Working out at home is a good option; some people are committed enough to make it work. However, for the majority of people wanting to get into shape, the inspiration, competitiveness, and encouragement received from working out in a gym is the way to go. Although it will require a small investment, make the decision to find a gym that offers state-of-the-art equipment, qualified staff, and fun classes where you can enjoy working out.

Network at the Gym

Getting to the gym is a great way to get fit. However, there are other benefits to going to the gym. You will have the opportunity to expand your social ring by making new friends, all working to get fit just like you. This will provide needed encouragement, which in turn helps you to stay motivated.

Tight Muscles

In addition to good aerobic exercise, you should add weight training, which will help balance out the fitness routine and provide you with the best results. If you are not sure where to start, a professional trainer can help get you started on a healthy program.

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