4 Keys to Lasting Fitness Transformation

4 Keys to Lasting Fitness Transformation

4 Keys to Lasting Fitness Transformation
4 Keys to Lasting Fitness Transformation

There is a phenomenon in fitness where people that make changes in their health and fitness only to revert back to where they were before they started.

You may have heard of people that lose a ton of weight only to gain it back. People that begin making significant progress in strength and muscle mass only to end up letting that go and people that cultivate a healthy and strong cardiovascular system with great stamina who eventually allow themselves to lose it.

The thing with physical transformation, If you want it to last, you have to realize that it's rarely enough to just go through a 30-day program.

I've wondered what separates those that make physical transformation last a lifetime and those that make physical transformations last 1 year. After some research, I've discovered the key principles that those with lasting results use in order to make it stick.

There are 4 key principles that make for Lasting change, results, and transformation in your fitness.

1. Habit for life

Any change needs to be approached with an attitude of permanence. If you want the new body from here on out, you have to be willing to do some new things from here on out also.

This applies to your diet, this applies to your workout plan, this applies to your consistency and it applies to how you structure your entire life around your fitness.

Adopting a new diet or a new workout with the idea that you only need to do it for a month and then you can go back to the way things were will not suffice. This is why I stress the importance of picking inspiring exercises and developing an appreciation for good, wholesome food.

2. Gradual integration leads to the overall transformation

Treat your physical transformation as a marathon, not a sprint.

Trying to make too many big changes in one go will flip your world upside down and put you in stress. Stress is the number one cause for people reverting to their sinful ways.

I suggest starting with one small thing at a time at a level you can take. If its a salad a day, a 20-minute jog, or 20 pushups, it is a starting point and often all starting points lead somewhere. Who knows, it could lead to 2 salads, 40 minutes of jogging or 3 sets of 30 pushups.

3. Hunger for growth

Even when you've reached your fitness goal, I strongly advise against the idea of going into maintenance mode.

It has been said that you can either grow or shrink but never remain the same. Why not pick growth?

Once you "get there". Look for more challenges to take on in your fitness, more physical goals to pursue, and just being on the path of endlessly wanting to improve, you guarantee your chances of never turning back.

4. The mindset of the creator

Think not of what you want to change, improve, or get rid of. Think about what you want to create, design, or build in your fitness.

4 Keys to Lasting Fitness Transformation

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