Fitness Transformation - Use These Easy to Follow Guidelines

Fitness Transformation - Use These Easy to Follow Guidelines

Fitness Transformation - Use These Easy to Follow Guidelines
Fitness Transformation - Use These Easy to Follow Guidelines

Looking for a fitness transformation that will really make a difference in your life? I'm not talking about losing a few pounds or maybe gaining a little muscle, I mean a real transformation! There is so much mediocrity in the world today that people are satisfied to settle for menial results. I don't want you to have to settle, why would you anyway? To have a real fitness transformation, you need to be prepared to work and you need to give up on the outdated notion of something for nothing.

In order to make substantial results and to really have a fitness transformation, you need to focus on two key areas:

1) Fat loss

2) Gaining muscle

Of the two, losing fat is going to make the most dramatic difference, and I would put the most emphasis on this. Building muscle is key to having a fitness transformation, although if the muscle is covered by fat, you will not look much different. If you wish to lose fat, build muscle, and look better than ever, you need to expect to train 3 to 4 days a week for around an hour per workout. In reality, this is not that much compared to what some people would suggest. The degree that you cut your calories and eat properly will determine how much you need to train. I do not suggest that you cut your calories too drastically because for one it can be unsafe and two, you will not stick to it. In order to have a true fitness transformation, you need to be able to continue this training and diet until it becomes a lifestyle change. Once you make some positive changes in your life, losing fat and building muscle will come easier than ever.

Two important types of training:

When it comes to training, there are two different types that you will need to concentrate on.

1) Resistance training

2) Cardio- High-intensity interval training, as well as steady-state cardio

The amount of fat that you need to lose, your diet, and your specific body all play a factor in how much and what type of training you will need to do.

There are many different ways to cut your calories and lose fat. You need to understand that cutting calories is important, but not the only thing to consider with your diet and your fitness transformation. The number of carbohydrates that you take in and what types are an important factor in your fat loss efforts that most people overlook. You should try and get the bulk of your carbohydrates from fresh fruits and vegetables and limit the sugars as well as rice, pasta, potatoes, and grains. This may seem different than what you have heard from the so-called experts, but I challenge you to try it out for yourself. Over half of all Americans are overweight and many of them are considered obese. The time to follow the herd is long gone and you need to challenge everything that you have heard in the past if you want to be part of the "minority". The minority is the people that are in shape, which is a shame, but true!

If you do nothing different except cut your carbohydrate intake down and get the carbs that you take in from fruits and vegetables as well as start a resistance training program, you will see incredible results. A fitness transformation is a total body makeover and seems like it would be hard to do. The truth is that it is simple to do, but it does take hard work. If you are willing to put in the work and dedicate the next 90 days to yourself and your body, I can show you that a fitness transformation is possible. Find out more information here, Fitness Transformation.

No matter what body style or how much weight you need to lose, weight loss all comes down to three simple steps. The fitness and dieting industry tries to make it more difficult than it really is so they can sell you the diet of the week or the newest magic pill that never works!

Fitness Transformation

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