Coronavirus Disease in Dogs

Coronavirus Disease in Dogs

Coronavirus Disease in Dogs
Coronavirus Disease in Dogs

Sometimes, a short-lived disease can also leave a dog in pain and discomfort. Coronavirus disease is one such pet health care issue that attacks the intestine of the dog, although only for a short duration. Coronavirus disease is also known as Corona and the virus that causes this the disease appears to have a ring of projections when seen under an electron a microscope that looks like a coronet and hence, the name.

How is Coronavirus disease transmitted?

This disease is transmittable and can be passed on from the feces and saliva of an infected dog to a healthy dog. The virus is passed in the stool as well as the saliva of the dog for the duration of the infection, which could be 1-2 weeks or longer. Typically, pet health may get affected when he comes in contact with an infected dog in a crowded or unsanitary site. The period of incubation for the virus is 1-5 days from the ingestion stage to the clinical stage.

What are the main signs of Coronavirus disease?

Generally, Coronavirus disease is a mild or transient infection in most cases. Only young pups suffer from infections and outbreaks that are serious in nature. Many times, infections caused due to a mix of viruses such as Coronavirus with Parvovirus can become dangerous in nature and cause much discomfort. Pet health can particularly become a cause of concern if its health is attacked by the sudden onset of Coronavirus diarrhea that usually brings on lethargy and loss of appetite. The feces will be orangish in color and have a thin consistency with a putrid odor. Sometimes, the infected pet may also pass stool with blood/mucus. During Coronavirus disease, pet health care becomes an important requirement.

How can Coronavirus disease be diagnosed?

Pet health is susceptible to many different causes that lead to diarrhea. Extreme cases of Coronavirus diseases can be confused with other viral diseases such as Parvovirus disease. Pet health care demands that you take your dog to see a veterinarian if diarrhea continues for over twenty-hour hours or results in a complete loss of appetite and lethargy.

What is the treatment for Coronavirus disease?

While there is no particular treatment for Coronavirus, antibiotics help only in controlling some secondary infections caused by bacteria. Fortunately, pet health can be restored by slowly giving the dog a small quantity of food, 24 hours after diarrhea stops. To rehydrate the body, giving intravenous fluids can help. More importantly, to ensure complete pet health care, getting an early diagnosis done can help treat extreme cases of this disease.

Are there any Coronavirus vaccines?

Vaccines for Coronavirus disease for canines have been developed in the last few years. More and more vets are now using vaccines for regular vaccination programs. These vaccines restore pet health and form an important part of pet health care routine, but vaccines must be administered only under medical supervision.

If you suspect that your pet may have any of these symptoms please contact your vet immediately, treatment of this condition is necessary for the pet's health care and well being.

If you need further information on the best pet health options available visit our resource center. We have a great library of articles to answer all the pet health care questions you may have on many breeds.

Coronavirus Disease in Dogs

Coronavirus Disease in Dogs

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