Corona Virus Disease and Duties of Citizens

Corona Virus Disease and Duties of Citizens

Corona Virus Disease and Duties of Citizens
Corona Virus Disease and Duties of Citizens

Corona Virus is a large family of viruses responsible for causing illness in animals and humans. Many people name Coronavirus as COVID-19 which is not exactly an abbreviation. As detailed by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 is a recent disease caused by the Coronavirus and it started from China in December 2019. By the end of 1st week of April 2020, the disease or pandemic had spread over more than 200 countries across the globe. Infected humans get cold, cough, fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, aches, and pains while some others initially don't show these symptoms which helps the disease to spread even at a greater speed. As there is no medication available for COVID-19, Social Distance is the only preventive measure available to stop the spreading of this disease. All the country and state governments are focusing on how to maintain social distancing and contact. Now, in some countries, it has been observed that many people follow the regulations set by the govt. and some of them don't. This article is for all those citizens who really care about their family and country.

Social distancing:

As mentioned in the WHO, there is no vaccine and medicine available for the disease. So, infected humans are to be given treatment and supportive care for symptoms. Possible vaccine and drugs are now under testing (by 1st week of April 2020). Now the question is how to stop the infection? It is very clear that maintaining distance and contact is the only way.

Duties and responsibilities of citizen during Corona Virus pandemic:

As it is clear that social distancing is the only option, all the governments are focusing on lockdowns and shutdowns to reduce community infection and contact. People should not come outside of their house for a certain period of time to avoid contact and infection. Being civilized, all citizens should understand the emergency situation and should be alert. Here we have some of the important responsibilities to be followed.

Don't spread rumors regarding the spread like statistics, drugs, patients, etc.
Avoid misuse of social media for spreading unnecessary panic
Don't purchase food and other grocery items in bulk. Leave some for others too.
Don't buy sanitizers and other hands wash liquids in bulk. Buy the right amount required for your family.

Follow advisories issued by govt.

Wear a mask if you have symptoms and stay in isolation to avoid contact.
Don't travel during a lockdown or shut down.
Avoid gathering and meetings. Start working from home.
If you have traveled from abroad or from another state, keep yourself in isolation.
If you are going outside for essential needs, wear a mask, and maintain a distance of 1 meter (3 feet) form people.

Apart from these duties, you have to understand that lockdown or shout down will not help the administration gain anything. It only to keep citizens away from such a disease which has no medicine. So, it is advisable to obey rules and stay at home.

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